Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Week 7

Why is “allusionism” significant for both modernism and post-modernism? If modernist filmmakers alluded to film history, what do post-modernist filmmakers allude to?

This self-reflexivity makes films into a higher art form. Post-modernist a reaction to modernism alludes to a return to traditional/classical filmmaking.

Compare and contrast Kramer’s timelines using “a narrow Bazinian definition of Hollywood classicism” with the Monogram [journal] definition of classicism.

Bazin’s timeline starts in 1920 to 1939 and ends with Citizen Kane. It constitutes a unified period characterized where by the entire film world is using a common filmic vocabulary. Monograms are 1910 to the mid 1960’s where the film language was invented and perfected mostly in Hollywood.

What is “blind bidding”? Why did exhibitors object to the proposed blind bidding for Jaws? Why was the blind bidding for Jaws called off?

The Exhibitors have to bid on the movie when they have never seen it. The money being asked was extremely high. They let some Exhibitors see the film and that was an unfair advantage for them.

1 comment:

jimbosuave said...

Try to be more precise with your definitions. We'll revisit many of the terms on Thursday.

Also, re-visit the timelines and be a bit more precise.

Be prepared to have more details about the blind bidding process for Jaws.